A new generation of Ghanaian players to build on the pitch and in life. It is one of the ambitious goals of the Ghanaian H. Consul to Italy, Colasuonno Taricone, who in recent weeks met the Sassuolo Calcio’s leadership to assess the opportunity to open a real Football Academy in Ghana. Colasuonno Taricone was welcomed by the Patron of Sassuolo and President of Mapei Giorgio Squinzi and also by the Sports Director Giovanni Carnevali. The meeting was used to initiate a possible presence of the emilian club in Ghana with the aim of enhancing the country’s young football talents.
“I have found doctor Squinzi to be a person very interested in the proposals and possibilities that Ghana can offer, a great affability that confirms the greatness of the man,” says Honorary Consul Colasaonno Taricone, who confirms: “With Dr. Carnevali we opened a table to study and find ways of collaboration between Sassuolo calcio and Ghana. We will be more proactive in the coming months. “